Water Control and Improvement District No. 17 (WCID No. 17) is a non-profit public utility providing quality water and wastewater service to customers in the Lake Travis South area along RR 620 in West Travis County from FM 2222 to Highway 71 West. The Board of Directors and Staff are committed to supplying the best possible drinking water to our customers. We live and work here, we are your neighbors, we proudly drink the water and our families do as well.
Please note that WCID No. 17 servicing is limited to the following zip codes:
78732, 78734, AND 78738
The District’s main office is located just off RR 620 on Eck Lane, approximately 300 feet south of the Hudson Bend Road intersection. Office hours are 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding posted holidays. Office hours are scheduled from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding posted holidays. You can view the 2025 holiday schedule here.
Travis County Water Control and Improvement District No. 17 (WCID No. 17) came into existence in 1959 through an order issued by the Travis County Commissioner’s Court in Texas. The establishment was subsequently endorsed by the voters residing within the original District boundaries on February 28, 1959. Situated to the west of the City of Austin in Travis County, Texas, the District initially covered roughly 4,500 acres of land in proximity to its present Administrative site.
Following subsequent annexations, such as the incorporation of the Steiner Ranch Defined Area in 1987, the Comanche Trail Defined Area in 1994, the Flintrock Falls Defined Area in 2000, and the Serene Hills Defined Area in 2008, the coverage area has expanded significantly to encompass around 15,000 acres. Of this total, approximately 9,399 acres within the District, including the entire Steiner Ranch Defined Area, fall entirely within the extraterritorial reach of the City of Austin, Texas. The remaining incorporated acreage falls under the extraterritorial jurisdictions of the cities of Lakeway and Bee Cave.
Mansfield Dam is a dam located across a canyon at Marshall Ford on the Colorado River, Austin, Texas. The groundbreaking ceremony occurred on February 19, 1937. The dam was a joint project by the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) and the United States Bureau of Reclamation, with partial funding provided by the Public Works Administration. The dam was completed in 1941. Originally called Marshall Ford Dam, the name was changed in 1941 to Mansfield Dam in honor of United States Representative J.J. Mansfield.
WCID No.17 responds to increased demands by committing its resources in an orderly, disciplined effort to meet service commitments. “WCID No. 17’s longevity is a testament to its commitment to provide the Lake Travis South area with a reliable water supply and to ensure the environmentally responsible development of water resources and wastewater facilities,” says Board President Jeff Roberts. “We take great pride in the district’s many accomplishments over the years and we hope to contribute to the community for years to come.”
WCID No. 17 customers are fortunate because we enjoy an exceptionally clean surface water supply from Lake Travis. The Colorado River watershed that feeds Lake Travis reaches many miles upstream, passing through agricultural fields as well as urban areas.
Colonel Homer Trimble was the District’s first engineer, designing the Eck Lane Facility for water treatment in 1960.
Photos: Courtesy of LCRA Corporate Archives